Vitarich partners with NOVOGEN for NOVOgen White hen distribution

LISTED feed manufacturer Vitarich Corp. (VITA) has partnered with French breeding company NOVOGEN for the exclusive distribution of NOVOgen White hens.
VITA said it finalized the partnership in Clark, Pampanga, on Monday.
NOVOGEN’s products are sold in more than 50 countries, with global sales increasing annually, particularly in Asia.
“We use various tools to select and improve the products generation after generation: a mix of traditional and innovative environments, genomic research, RFID technology, and artificial intelligence,” NOVOGEN Chief Executive Officer Mickael Le Helloco was quoted as saying in a statement.
“Thanks to the implementation of these tools in research and development, we have been able to speed up yearly genetic progress by 2.5 times compared to the rate observed 10 years ago,” he added.
VITA said NOVOgen White hens can lay efficiently for over 100 weeks, producing up to 470 eggs per cycle — extending laying cycles beyond other breeds.
Compared to other breeds, NOVOgen White hens have better feed conversion, requiring less feed per egg, reducing production costs, and maximizing profits, the company added.
The hens also produce strong, uniform eggshells with a gradual increase in egg weight until the end of the production cycle, minimizing losses from breakage.
“They perform well and can realize their production potential under the most varied conditions, including the tropical climate of the Philippines,” VITA said.
VITA said customers will receive expert technical and marketing support, including guidance on housing, nutrition, and layer business management, as well as supply chain support for sourcing high-quality feeds and medications.
“They can also get assistance with laboratory tests for the quality of water, feeds, and raw materials,” the company said. — Kyle Aristophere T. Atienza