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Prepare for Holy Week, oil firms told


THE DEPARTMENT of Energy (DoE) on Sunday urged oil companies to prepare for Holy Week by mobilizing assistance along national highways, major roads, tollways and areas leading to pilgrimage sites.

“Let us assist them in safely navigating their way during these busy travel periods by implementing initiatives that will enhance their overall travel experience and promote road safety campaigns,” Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla said in a statement.

Petron Corp. said it would provide emergency roadside assistance such as free minor car repairs, first aid and emergency phone calls at service stations along major toll ways and highways.

Motorists should brace for higher pump prices during Holy Week, with the DoE projecting a P1.90-P2.10 a liter increase for gasoline, P1.35-P1.50 for diesel and P1.40-P1.50 for kerosene. — Sheldeen Joy Talavera

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