Business Insider

Remote Physio Services from DocHQ Enhance Employee Wellness, Bringing Benefits to Employers and Insurers

DocHQ, a leading provider of healthcare solutions, has unveiled a revolutionary AI-powered physiotherapy tool designed to help employees recover from injury and reduce absenteeism.

The cutting-edge technology, which tracks users’ movements and provides real-time feedback, is intended to accelerate return to work rates through increased adherence, convenience and motivation.

“DocHQ Physio holds considerable promise to notably enhance both patient experience and rehabilitation results during prehab and postoperative phases,” said DocHQ CEO Madhur Srivastava. “Our working hypothesis posits that patients on NHS waiting lists stand to gain significant benefits from DocHQ Physio. We are keen to validate this assertion through our meticulous research.”

The service allows users to take control of their pain or discomfort and offers personalised 1:1 physio advice, tailored assessments and customised treatment plans. The real-time progress tracking ensures timely adjustments, aiding swifter and more effective recovery for employees.

The AI movement-tracking software maps 111 points on the user’s body while they do the physio programme, helping guide them through the exercises and ensure precise execution. This allows physios to monitor and optimise users’ progress, boosting the treatment’s effectiveness and speeding recovery and return to work.

“Patients often fail to do their physio exercises due to uncertainty over what to do and lack of reassurance that they are doing it correctly,” said DocHQ’s Physiotherapy Lead Tiggy Corben. “AI exercises will give them feedback, meaning their exercise techniques can be instantly corrected. DocHQ Physio allows physiotherapists to not only see whether the patient is doing the exercises, but also how accurately they are performing them. This allows remote and cost-effective adjustments to their treatment programme.”

Investing in DocHQ’s remote physiotherapy services offers health insurers the opportunity to actively reduce absenteeism, empower employees and cultivate a healthier, more productive workplace.

DocHQ is a UK employee benefits provider that combines medical expertise and technology to offer wellbeing services and solutions in a post-pandemic world. Through its network of private clinics and providers across Europe, it delivers a range of employee benefits, including Physiotherapy, Health Checks, Fitness, Nutrition and Travel Health.

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