Business Insider

Should You Run A Business Without A HR Presence?

Many firms streamline their activities. The idea of keeping things straightforward in business while still inviting further success is always appealing.

Cuts can’t be made everywhere, though. Alarmingly, companies are collapsing at their fastest rate since the financial crisis, with partial blame attributed to soaring energy bill costs. While firms will understandably be cutting costs however they can, the HR department is certainly not the place to make a few sacrifices.

HR’s presence is imperative to your firm’s success. Here’s why you shouldn’t run a business without it.

Help is Out There

Every aspect of a firm can be challenging to run. HR is no exception, but help is out there and worth contemplating further. Citation’s HR consultancy service can provide some much-needed support with HR processes. They can provide you with expert advice 24/7, collaborate with you on creating key documentation, and help you focus on your business by taking on the day-to-day stress of HR admin. Citation can also provide training and on-site support. As you can see, their input changes the game and ensures you don’t become overwhelmed, so a partnership can be fruitful.

To abandon HR at a time when help is so earnestly given would be a wasteful decision. These support services can revitalise your HR department and energise the rest of your company, too. HR ceases to be a time-consuming burden, and you can surely reap the rewards of its implementation instead. In the end, you can find that spark that was missing before, and your relationship with HR can evolve.

Everyone Needs a Voice

Firms commonly claim to have the best workforce around. While a rosy picture can be painted in company emails and marketing materials, tensions can often bubble away beneath the surface of it all. After all, employees have had more cause than most to speak up for their rights in recent times. For example, some had to push back on the return to the office, openly doubting their boss’ motives. Of course, employers aren’t always the villains, either. Employment tribunal claims can be challenging to manage, as can enforcing disciplinary procedures for minor transgressions.

Dramatic incidents can derail a firm and, left unchecked, lead to rounds of bad publicity too. However, HR is often the protector of every person’s rights in these types of situations. Their presence can cool tempers, prioritise rules and regulations over irrational actions, and enforce an atmosphere of calm in the business. Everyone’s more likely to get along.

The Business Can Fail

Firms operating without HR play a very risky game. The enterprise’s complete collapse is a real possibility if there’s no HR presence. Employees can lose their morale and abandon their positions if their rights aren’t suitably protected. Firms can leave themselves vulnerable to legal action, especially surrounding cases for things like discrimination and harassment. Non-compliance with key regulations and employment laws is also more likely.

You might be confident in your ability to swerve around HR. But what of your colleagues? Will new starters know the same sneaky tricks as you and execute them just as flawlessly? It only takes one instance of poor judgement in a workplace to open a can of worms. Without an HR presence, those errors can become all-consuming for businesses.

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